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Introducing the Nylon Strap Cleat: Kleen Opener Product Update

Introducing the Nylon Strap Cleat: Kleen Opener Product Update


The Kleen Opener team is dedicated to designing the best custom products to serve our clients’ needs and to bring safety, efficiency, and compliance to facilities everywhere.

We are so grateful to our clients who believe in the product enough to provide us with feedback. We encourage feedback and want to hear about your experience using our product, so please reach out to us via the Contact Us page or email us here.

Customer feedback and our personal experience led us to develop an additional piece for the Kleen Opener, the nylon strap cleat.


What is the Nylon Strap Cleat?

The nylon strap cleat attaches to the front of the dumpster via Loctite Super Glue Gel. The cleat serves as a hook to hold the strap in place when not in use. Additionally, the cleat keeps the strap out of the way of the waste hauler’s forks when picking up the dumpster. It is easy to install, easy to use, and a practical addition to our Kleen Opener Kit.

We are fabricating these cleats in house and will be shipping two cleats along with extra adhesive tape in every Kleen Opener Left and Right Kit. The cleats are made of durable and lightweight nylon material to withstand the weather and elements it may be exposed to.



dumpster with straps hanging on nylon strap cleat


How to Install:

The nylon strap cleats come with a tube of Loctite Super Glue Gel. Keep out of contact with skin! Squeeze glue onto the flat base of both nylon cleats. The cleat should be mounted 12-20 inches from the side of the dumpster and facing up. Apply with some pressure for 30 seconds to let the adhesive bond. (Look at back of super glue packaging for manufacturer’s best practices.)

When deciding where to mount your cleat, make sure to note the length of your strap to ensure that it will reach the cleat. The cleat must be mounted facing up to allow the strap to become unhooked when the Kleen Opener lifts open or when getting dumped by waste haulers.


 nylon strap cleat on dumpsterstrap hanging on nylon strap cleat


How to Use the Nylon Strap Cleat:

Once mounted simply drape the loop of the orange pull down strap over the cleat. The strap should then be resting out of the way of the waste hauler’s forks.

To use your Kleen Opener simply take the strap off of the loop and then operate as usual by lifting the strap 6-8 inches. After pulling down the orange strap to close your dumpster lid, place the end loop of the orange pull down strap over the hook of the cleat.

The design of this cleat ensures that our device will operate even if the user forgets to remove strap from cleat. If the user forgets to take the strap off of the cleat and goes to lift the strap it will release from the cleat since it is facing upwards, and the Kleen Opener will lift the lid.

Additionally, the nylon strap cleat does not affect your dumpster from being dumped. Since the Kleen Opener is not attached to the dumpster lid, if the strap were to get caught around the cleat during dumping, the dumpster lids will still open properly even if the Kleen Opener does not open.




We are excited about this upgrade to our product design. We hope that our customers enjoy the nylon strap cleats as an addition to the Kleen Opener Kit, no extra charge. And thank you to all our invaluable customers who continue to provide us with their feedback and experiences.

Have you received the nylon strap cleat with your purchase? Let us know what you think!

Dumpster Safety 101: What You Need to Know About These Bulky Bins

Dumpster Safety 101: What You Need to Know About These Bulky Bins


Dumpsters may seem inconsequential, a trivial and unglamorous part of life, but they do pose a safety risk to those who use them. Whether you are a business or property owner, an employee, or a resident there are some things you need to know about dumpster safety.

It is just a fact of life that people and businesses create waste, so you need a way to properly dispose of it. Your property probably already has a couple of roll off bins or dumpsters where recycling and garbage are removed by waste haulers. These often big and bulky containers are super helpful for keeping trash out of your building but off your street.

There are 3 main things you need to know about dumpster safety: where to store a dumpster, how to operate a dumpster, and how to keep a dumpster clean.


1. Where to Store a Dumpster


Dumpsters, although varying in size, are big and bulky containers to have on your property. You may have asked yourself, where should I store a dumpster? Well, the simple answer is, where it functionally makes the most sense. And in order to figure that out there are some things to consider.


Who is throwing out the trash?

Dumpsters collect garbage and recycling, but they do not do it themselves…at least not in 2019. PEOPLE bring trash to a dumpster. Therefore, it is critical that your dumpster is accessible by the people who need to put trash into it.

For businesses and restaurants this could look like having your bins located within a reasonable walking distance from a back door. For a residential property or school campus you should make sure that you have enough dumpster locations to serve your entire community and that those locations are known to all.

If your dumpster location is not easily accessible by those who need to use it then you could end up with a buildup of garbage and recycling on the street, in smaller receptacles, in a parking lot, or against an outer wall of your building. If you want trash to go into the dumpster then people need to be able to get to the dumpster easily. If the process is inconvenient then people will look for shortcuts, so it is critical that you prevent this from happening by having accessible, clean, and efficient dumpster locations. 


Who is seeing the trash?

Garbage is not glamorous. And dumpsters are built more for functionality than they are for being pretty. It is up to your personal preference to decide who gets to see your dumpsters. But most businesses and housing structures will choose to place their dumpsters in the back. This is an area where only the people seeking access to a dumpster, like employees or residents, will see them. Far away from your shining storefront, residents, and customers.

Another way to control the look of your dumpsters is to store them in an enclosure. You may have seen these at your local restaurant or shopping center. They look like little huts in the back of a building or corner of a parking lot. Enclosures are meant to hide and contain trash from sight as they can blend into the buildings and landscaping seamlessly. You can DIY an enclosure or get a professional for bigger projects. Just make sure that you follow all local regulations regarding the placement, dimensions, and materials used for your enclosure.

Enclosures also help to keep rodents, birds, and other pests out of your trash. A properly used enclosure also deters passersby from using your dumpsters as their personal dumping ground.


Who is picking up the trash?

A key factor of where to store your dumpster has to do with those who are picking it up. Correct dumpster placement is essential for your waste hauler. You will need to consult with your local waste hauler to make sure your dumpster is accessible by their specifications. They will be able to provide you with the requirements for how much space and clearance they need in order to properly reach your dumpster. Although there are general guidelines for this you will need to speak with your waste hauler for a definitive answer.


2. How to Operate a Dumpster


Have you ever found yourself having to juggle balancing the big lids open while hoisting your heavy bags up and into the bin? One of the most underestimated things about your dumpster is the safety risks and potential injury involved in its operation. The mixture of big bulky lids and heavy trash bags creates a concoction of chaos.

But fear not, we have some tips for you so that can minimize those risks and safely dispose of your trash and recycling.


Opening and Closing Dumpster Lids

One of the greatest challenges lies in the lids. Dumpster lids are big and heavy. And for shorter folks they can also be out of reach. Here are the best tips for opening and closing your dumpster lids safely and with ease:

  • Get a professional step stool to store next to your dumpster. The added height will allow you to reach the lids easier.
  • Make sure to not touch dumpster lids that have been in direct sunlight for a while. Most dumpster lids are black and can get very hot. So be cautious of lid temperature before direct contact with your skin.
  • Use both hands to open and close dumpster lids. Make sure you have full control of the lid. The lids are heavy and could lead to injury when dropped.
  • Be aware of pinch points and keep careful watch of your hand placement. These big lids are heavy and can pinch and smash your hands and fingers if you are not careful. Common pinch points are anywhere where the lid meets the frame of the dumpster and the hinges that secure the lid to the back of the dumpster.
  • Make sure the lid is opened all the way. If you cannot open the lid all the way due to dumpster placement then make sure that it opened to where it can stay open without being held. This may mean steadily leaning the lid against a wall or enclosure.
  • DO NOT prop open dumpster lid with poles, planks, boxes, etc. Lid propping is not only a code violation for most buildings, but it increases safety risks as the prop could come loose and cause the lid to fall. Open dumpster lids also expose your dumpster to pest infestations and spreading of odors.
  • You can purchase a dumpster lid opener that will do the opening and closing for you.

Properly Lifting Trash into Dumpster

Dumping heavy trash bags requires a lot of force and awkward postures/positions. There is a high risk of pulling muscles and hurting your back if you do not lift properly. Follow these steps to lift trash bags properly and reduce risk:

  • Face the front of the dumpster, toss bag forward into the dumpster.
  • Use a step stool to reduce lifting above shoulder height
  • NEVER try to hoist bags into your dumpster while holding the lid open. Always place the bag on the ground first, open lid (see tips above), then pick up bag with both hands
  • Do not twist your body – avoid tossing trash in while standing sideways
  • Always lift with your legs instead of bending over. This puts more strain on your back.
  • Get help if the load is too heavy or awkward

You can also reduce the amount of lifting necessary when taking out the trash by:

  • Using smaller garbage cans and bags
  • Position trash bags as close to dumpsters as possible
  • Have trash cans that can be rolled to the dumpster
  • Get a pushcart or tilt truck that can bring multiple bags of trash to the dumpster
  • Invest in a manual or electric trash can dumper or cart lifter

    Never Enter a Dumpster

    Dumpsters are full of waste that can be sharp, heavy, and full of germs. If you enter a dumpster you are putting yourself at risk of cuts and contamination. In fact, you should never extend your body over a dumpster. And do not compress or move items in a dumpster with any part of your body.


    Do Not Dispose of Hazardous Waste

    Your average solid waste dumpster is not meant for hazardous materials . All hazardous materials must be disposed of properly . Check your state and local regulations to determine the proper way to dispose of these hazardous materials.


    3. How to Keep Dumpster Area Clean


    Dumpsters have a reputation of being unglamorous and dirty. And to be fair, it is because often they are unglamorous and dirty. An important part of dumpster safety is making sure that you keep the area surrounding a dumpster clean. 


    Clean Surrounding

    For the safety of those taking out the trash, it is important to have unobstructed access to the dumpsters. This also means to avoid any tripping hazards surrounding your bins. Make sure the area around your dumpster is flat, clear, and free from tripping hazards.

    It is also critical to make sure that rodents, birds, animals, and other pests are not getting into or residing in your dumpsters or the area surrounding. Make sure to notify management if there is a pest infestation. Keeping the area around your dumpster clean and clear will minimize pests from entering the area.


    No Overfill or Overflow

    Do not overfill your dumpsters. It is important not to let trash pile up in your dumpsters because this can lead to debris spreading across your property and into our environment. Overfill can lead to overflow – and you do not want trash outside your dumpster. Overflow is unsightly, spreads odors and germs, and attracts animals and pests. Your dumpster lids should always be able to close firmly. This allows you to stay compliant with your local codes and allows your waste haulers to properly pick up your trash.

    If overfill is a common occurrence, then that may be a sign that your building needs more dumpsters to manage the amount of trash. You can check in with your local waste hauler to see what options are available to you for getting an additional dumpster. But also check to make sure that all your dumpsters are accessible and being used. Sometimes dumpster lids are left open to make the process more convenient for the next time, so trash will pile into those dumpsters. The dumpsters with properly closed lids are then not utilized because it is inconvenient to have to lift the lid. Therefore, it is important to encourage those who are taking out the trash to utilize the bins properly by always opening and closing the dumpster lids safely.


    Cleaning A Dumpster

    If the odor, grease, and grime is just unbearable then you can clean your dumpster. Cleaning your dumpster is a great way to kill germs and bacteria that builds up and to reduce emanating odors. How often you should clean your dumpster will vary, but typically you would not need to clean it more than once a month.

    One option would be to hire a professional cleaning company that specializes in dumpster cleaning to do the work for you. This is the safest way as cleaning your dumpster poses safety and environmental risks.

    If you decide to try cleaning your dumpster yourself then makes sure to use eco-friendly and biodegradable cleaning agents. Runoff from the dumpster cleaning impacts the environment so it is critical that you are using natural products. You will want to clean your dumpster in a space where the water can flow away into the gutters. If the water is not able to runoff then the bacteria and smell will stay in the area.

    Make sure that your dumpster is completely dry before putting trash into it. If you start putting garbage in the dumpster before it is completely dry, bacteria will spread and the odor will linger.


    Congratulations! You have successfully made it through Dumpster Safety 101. You now have the knowledge, tips, and tricks to properly store a dumpster, safely operate a dumpster, and keep the dumpster area clean.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any additional dumpster safety questions or tips not mentioned in this post.


    How Your Restaurant’s Dumpster May Lead to a Code Violation

    Save Your Restaurant From This Code Violation Kleen Opener Blog


    If you own or manage a restaurant then you know all about health and food safety codes. There are a lot of regulations to keep up with to make sure your restaurant is healthy, safe, and compliant. And since you are in the business of food it makes sense to focus on the food.

    But there is a common food safety code violation you might be overlooking – open dumpster lids.

    Restaurants produce a lot of waste so there are specific regulations surrounding refuse (food waste, scraps, and garbage). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publishes a Food Code, their best scientifically backed advice for addressing food safety. Local state governments use the Food Code as a model for their own food safety rules. This article will focus on general regulations as suggested by the FDA Food Code 2017 but you can find your state’s rules and regulations here .

    The FDA Food Code 2017 states that outside receptacles “used outside the food establishment shall be designed and constructed to have tight-fitting lids, doors, or covers” (§ 5-501.15 (A)). And while the dumpsters you order may come with tight-fitting lids, those lids are often not utilized properly by those who take out the trash. There are many reasons for this, the main one being that dumpster lids are heavy and bulky. It is difficult to hoist open the lids while holding trash. It is even harder to then safely lift the trash up and into the bin while holding the lid open. This process often comes with a lot of frustration, leading to the mishandling of dumpster lids – they are either being unsafely propped open or left open entirely.


    dumpster with lid propped open using wood pole


    Another reason that it is important for your dumpster lids to remain closed is so that they are “rodent-resistant” (§ 5-501.112). Open dumpster lids provide prime access for insects, birds, rodents, and other pests to get into your waste. This leads to health and safety issues because these pests can bring and spread disease. 


    seagulls in dumpsterraccoon pest exiting open dumpster


    Therefore the food code specifies that “live animals may not be allowed on the premises of a food establishment” (§6-501.115). This regulation applies to rodents and other pests, especially in areas where food contamination can occur ( there are exceptions for service animals, patrol dogs, and pets in certain dining areas) . It is important to not give these unwanted pests a reason to visit your establishment. Keeping dumpster lids closed will prohibit them from rummaging through your trash or making a home of your dumpsters.

    The reality is that dumpster lids are left open or propped open because they are cumbersome to manage. The job of taking out the trash is a multi-step process with a lot of risk you might not be aware of, but those who take out the trash can assure you that they are very aware. First, you must set the trash down in order to use both hands to lift open the dirty and often hot lids. Then you must hoist the trash into the bin before shutting the heavy lids which could fall quickly leading to smashed fingers or limbs. And this if you can open the lid fully. If not, you are left with the task of juggling both holding open the big lid while trying to throw away the trash at the same time. All of this leads to an undesirable and frustrating task where shortcuts are often taken, leaving you vulnerable to code violations.

    But this code violation is easy to avoid. You must simply provide a frustration-free and safe way for those who take out the trash to do their job properly and efficiently. The Kleen Opener is here to do just that. 


     dumpster with both lids help open cleanly by kleen opener


    Kleen Opener is a dumpster lid opener. It is designed to easily lift and close dumpster lids with a simple tug of a strap. Gone are the days of dreading garbage removal and code violations. With Kleen Opener there is now a safe and easy way to manage those bulky dumpster lids and properly dispose of waste. Once you experience Kleen Opener you will never want to deal with dangerous dumpster lids again, and you won’t have to!

    Make the choice to #getkleen and stay compliant with your local codes. Order yours today!